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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Today I was "THAT" Mom

So the girls and I headed to Fowler Park today to meet up with some friends and have lunch. Well my three year old decided to have a complete nutty for no apparent reason. I mean it was the screaming, kicking, yelling. and throwing herself on the ground nutty. I then counted to three she would not quit so I went to take her to a time out and she ran. Yes I ran after my screaming three year old around the park. I finally caught her and held her like a football kicking and screaming to the car. She then had her timeout in the car screaming and banging on the windows. Of course everyone was watching and I felt like the worse mom in the world that no control over my child. So anyone at the park today that witnessed this--Yes that was me!
Tonight as I am writing this she is screaming in her bed and I mean screaming. I tell you everyone says the terrible twos are hard, but I beg to differ. I find the defiant threes to be more difficult.
I hope you are all staying dry and do not have any water in your basement. While I was out today I overheard many many moms talking about how their basements had water and I just felt so bad.
Have a great rest of the week.


Kathy P said...

oh kelly! you are most definitely not the only mom who's had to do this. and, i hate to be the bearer of bad news but it's not just the two and three year olds that do this. i had to place my 'almost' seven year old ds in the car for a time out last night for misbehaving while we were out for dinner. it's not fun but it is part of being a mom and part of teaching our children what is acceptable behaviour and what is not.

big {{{hugs}}}} to you! you are a GREAT mom!

Anonymous said...

oh i am SO with you on the terrible 3 - 3 1/2 to be exact. i have left groc stores, target, parks, you name it - i've left dragging a child (i have twins so they take turns - oh joy!) out kicking and screaming. it is a stage and will end when they go to college. just kidding.

Kelly said...

Thank you all for making me feel better. I know I am not alone, but boy when you are in the situation you can sure feel like it. Thanks again!