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Monday, May 26, 2008

So I am often asked about what to wear. I totally thought about this yesterday as I was at Mayfair Mall all by myself. One of my favorite stores is JCrew and they now have Crew Cuts in the back of the store. I almost died when I walked in. They have the most amazing clothes for kids. I could have walked out of the store with one of everything. I even thought about buying some of the clothes just to have for clients-ha! Anyway if you are looking for cute kids clothes please check them out--seriously! Also if anyone ever wants me to go shopping with them I would LOVE to! I may run back and buy a few things to have on hand--that is how cute it all is. All of the colors would just pop and they have the cutest polka dot dresses and shirts for girls. Okay enough about clothes. I hope you all had a great holiday.

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