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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Honor a Special Mom Contest

Being a mom is a privilege and at times trying. Balancing work and kids or just kids can be tough. I want to honor a special mom for Mother’s Day. Yes I know Mother’s Day is 5 months away, but I am a planner!

Here is the scoop. Email me and nominate a special mom in your life. It does not have to be your mom( but it certainly can be) or maybe a friend or aunt that stands out to you. Tell me why she is a great mom. I will pick a winner and photograph her and her children in April this year and present to her a 16x20 print from her session as a Mother’s Day gift.

I will be posting the winning story on my blog and a few others that stand out.

Dead line is February 1st, 2008.

Here is Liz and her two beautiful girls that I photographed last summer. I just love this picture!

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